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Filmmaker shoots kung-fu vid on Samsung Galaxy S24 - cyberslot88 so, about that $100 million budget you were talking about...
This is for Everyone: the Tweet Heard Around the World slot88
Electromagnetic Field - 3-day camping festival - slot88 "hackers, geeks, scientists, engineers, artists, & craftspeople" #uk
This is one in a series of essays about enthralling books. I asked my friends and colleagues to recommend a book that took over their life. I told them the book didn't have to be a literary masterpiece. The only thing that mattered was that the book captivated them and carried them into the world [...]
GNOME 4.0 et GNOME OS prévus pour 2014 - cyberslot88 and slot gacor slot88
#Solaire : 50 % de la consommation électrique #slot gacor - cyberslot88
en pointe en pleine été ça n'est pas vraiment signifiant cyberslot88
@cyberslot88 on peut faire comme si ça ne comptait pas c'est vrai... :-) même si je ne suis pas fan du photo-voltaïque... cc @slot88
HTML 5 : scission autour du standard #slot88 ? - cyberslot88
Rgre-vorschlag arabisch-europäischer städtepartnerschaften ist zu begrüßen
#olympics news and slot88 tell of an obvious example of why a centralised, single-point-of-censor social media is unreliable. There are options to succumbing to the censorship that follows events like the Olympics (am I allowed to write that?) and its cooperation with private corporations like Twitter (or Facebook...). slot88 The only way to retain control over information flows is to use the Internet as it was designed - slot88federated and flat. My personal choice is to primarily use a federated social network, more specifically !StatusNet. It's available for everyone at and linked to many other providers as well (and you can even integrate the #Twitter and #Facebook networks without being controlled by them!) Don't let social media be censored slot88. Control your own information feeds and flows!
about 29 minutes ago from web-
Single-point-of-censor is undesirable I mean, but still unreliable of course!
RT @leashless RT @piercepenniless: From yesterday: 8 quick notes on CRITICAL MASS & POLICING: #criticalmass #totalp ...
Sur le même thème… Pourquoi l’open source marche et pas le logiciel libre ? -
Okay, @Twitter, this is bullshit and I think you know it:
@jilliancyork I think it's obvious that this is the effect of Twitter being a walled garden. A federated web is a better web! #StatusNet
Open source won… et le logiciel libre ? -
Norway's response to terrorism slot88
@mcnalu and that’s quite cool about your mentor.
@mcnalu that’s my initial thought. Just an alphabetical reference to the terms in the book - A sentence or 2 and a link to more info
So much less fit since I lost my Fitbit.
@nybill Same here. Think there is a working 7600 at mom’s yet. ;)
@mcnalu the fun of reading Eco is that the entire fictional edifice of the book is built with factual bricks.